Microsoft OneNote all Shortcut Keys . - Hindi Bloggers.

Microsoft OneNote all Shortcut Keys .
MS OneNote Shortcut Keys

Notebook Management Keys :

Task Shortcut Key
Open a OneNote Notebook Ctrl+ O
Open a new Notebook window Ctrl+ M
Open a small OneNote window to create a Side Note Ctrl+ Shift+ M or Windows + Alt+ N
Add a new page at the end of the current section Ctrl+ N
Add a new page under current page at the same level of indentation Ctrl+ Alt+ N
Add a new Subpage under the current page at next indentation level Ctrl+ Alt+ Shift+ N
Save Ctrl+ S
Print the current page Ctrl+ P
Enable/Disable full page view F11
Activate the main menu F10 or Alt
Activate the Shortcut menu Shift+ F10
Help F11
Spelling F7
Sync changes in the shared Notebook Shift+ F9
Sync changes in all shared Notebook F9

Editing Keys :

Task Shortcut Key
Undo Ctrl+ Z
Redo Ctrl+ Y
Cut selected text or item Ctrl+ X
Copy selected text or item Ctrl+ C
Paste Ctrl+ V
Select all items on the current page Ctrl+ A
Find on page Ctrl+ F
Repeat last find action Shift+ F4
Search Ctrl+ E
Pin search results Alt+ O
Delete one character to the Left Backspace
Delete one character to the Right Delete
Delete one word to the left Ctrl+ Backspace
Delete one word to the Right Ctrl+ Delete
Delete selected note or object Delete
Insert a line break Shift+ Enter
Check Spelling F7
Add current date Alt+ Shift+ D
Add current time Alt+ Shift+ T
Add current date and time Alt+ Shift+ F
Insert a Hyperlink Ctrl+ K
Open a Hyperlink Enter
Move insertion point to page header Ctrl+ T
Zoom in Alt+ Ctrl+ Plus(+)
Zoom out Alt+ Ctrl+ Minus(-)

Selecting in a Notebook :

Task Shortcut Key
Highlight selected text Ctrl+ Shift+ H
Click at the beginning of area with the mouse, Shift, Click at the end of area Click, Shift, Click
Selects all items on the current Page Ctrl+ A
Extends the selection by one character Shift+ Arrow Key
Extends the selection to the beginning of a note Shift+ Home
Extends the selection to the beginning of the Page Ctrl+ Shift+ Home
Extends the selection end of the page Ctrl+ Shift+ End
Allows for multiple selections of notes or items Ctrl
Select the current paragraph and its subordinate paragraphs Ctrl+ Shift+ Minus(-)
Cancel the selected outline or page Esc

Formatting Keys :

Task Shortcut Key
Open the font task Pane Ctrl+ D
Change the font style Ctrl+ Shift+ F
Change the font Size Ctrl+ Shift+ P
Grow font Ctrl+ Shift+ Period(.)
Shrink font Ctrl+ Shift+ Comma(,)
Bold Ctrl+ B
Italic Ctrl+ I
Underline Ctrl+ U
Center Ctrl+ E
Left Align Ctrl+ L
Right Align Ctrl+ R
Increase indent from the left Alt+ Shift+ →
Decrease indent from the left Alt+ Shift+ ←
Apply or remove strike-through Ctrl+ -
Apply or remove Superscript Ctrl+ Shift+ =
Apply or remove Subscript Ctrl+ =
Apply or remove bulleted list formatting Ctrl+ Period(.)
Apply or remove numbered list formatting Ctrl+ Slash(/)
Set text properties to Normal Ctrl+ Shift+ N
Increase the page tab size Ctrl+ Shift+ [
Decrease the page tab size Ctrl+ Shift+ ]
Launch screen clipping Windows+ Shift+ S

Moving in a Notebook :

Task Shortcut Key
One character to the Left
One character to the Right
Up one line
Down one line
One word to the Left Ctrl+ ←
One word to the Right Ctrl+ →
One paragraph Up Ctrl+ ↑
One paragraph Down Ctrl+ ↓
To the end of a line End
To the beginning of a line Home
Up one screen Page Up
Down one screen Page Down
Next section Ctrl+ Tab
Previous section Ctrl+ Shift+ Tab
Next page in the section Ctrl+ Page Down
Previous page in the section Ctrl+ Page Up
First page in the section Alt+ Home
Last page in the section Alt+ End
First page in the visible set of page tabs Alt+ Page Up
Last page in the visible set of page tabs Alt+ Page Down
Go back to the last page visited Alt+ ←
Go forward to the next page visited Alt+ →
Go to the next note container Alt+ ↓
Top of Page Ctrl+ Home
Bottom of Page Ctrl+ End
Move the Selected page tab, note or object up Alt+ Shift+ ↑
Move the selected page tab, note or object down Alt+ Shift+ ↓
Move the selected note or object Left Alt+ Shift+ ←
Move the selected note or object Right Alt+ Shift+ →
Move up in the current page, or expand the page up Alt+ Ctrl+ ↑
Move down in the current page, or expand the page down Alt+ Ctrl+ ↓
Move left in the current page, or expand the page to the Left Alt+ Ctrl+ ⇆
Move right in the current page, or expand the page to the Right Alt+ Ctrl+ →

Tables :

Task Shortcut Key
Move to the next cell Tab
Move to the previous cell Shift+ Tab
Next row
Previous row
Start new paragraph Enter
Add a new row at bottom of table Tab
Insert a column to the Left Alt+ Ctrl+ E
Insert a column to the Right Alt+ Ctrl+ R

Tagging Notes :

Task Shortcut Key
Apply, mark, or clear To Do tag Ctrl+ 1
Apply or clear Important tag Ctrl+ 2
Apply or clear Question tag Ctrl+ 3
Apply or clear Remember for later tag Ctrl+ 4
Apply or clear Definition tag Ctrl+ 5
Apply or clear the Highlight tag Ctrl+ 6
Apply or clear the Contact tag Ctrl+ 7
Apply or clear the Address tag Ctrl+ 8
Apply or clear the Phone Number tag Ctrl+ 9
Remove all selected note tags Ctrl+ 0

Using Outlines :

Task Shortcut Key
Collapse the selected outline to level 1 Alt+ Shift+ 1
Expand an outline to level 2 Alt+ Shift+ 2
Expand an outline to level 3 Alt+ Shift+ 3
Expand an outline to level 4 Alt+ Shift+ 4
Expand an outline to level 5 Alt+ Shift+ 5
Expand an outline to level 6 Alt+ Shift+ 6
Expand an outline to level 7 Alt+ Shift+ 7
Expand an outline to level 8 Alt+ Shift+ 8
Expand an outline to level 9 Alt+ Shift+ 9
Expand all levels of an outline Alt+ Shift+ 0
Expand the selected heading Alt+ Shift+ Equal sign(=)
Collapse the Selected Heading Alt+ Shift+ Hyphen(-)
Increase the indent by one level Tab key
Decrease the indent by one level Shift+ Tab
Expand a selected, collapsed outline Alt+ Shift+ Plus(+)
Collapse a selected, expanded outline Alt+ Shift+ Minus(-)

Sharing Notes with Outlook :

Task Shortcut Key
Send selected pages in an e-mail message Ctrl+ Shift+ E
Create an appointment in Outlook Alt+ Shift+ A
Create a contact in Outlook Ctrl+ Shift+ C
Create a Today Outlook task from the currently selected note Ctrl+ Shift+ 1
Create a Tomorrow Outlook task Ctrl+ Shift+ 2
Create This Week Outlook task Ctrl+ Shift+ 3
Create a Next Week Outlook task Ctrl+ Shift+ 4
Create a No Date Outlook task Ctrl+ Shift+ 5
Open the Outlook Tasks menu Alt+ K
Open selected Outlook task Ctrl+ Shift+ K
Mark Outlook task as complete Ctrl+ Shift+ 9
Delete the selected Outlook task Ctrl+ Shift+ 0